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⚡️ Transform AI/ML operations: Transparency, Control and Cost Optimization. ⚡️

What do we do?

Numexa offers observability solutions to companies engaged in both LLM development and LLM utilization.

Real-time observability

A platform agnostic observability application for large language models with a user-friendly dashboard for visualizing logs and metrics in real-time.

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Cost control & Optimisation

Numexa provides a detail cost breakdown of your AI operations. It intelligently generates cost-optimization recommendation to optimize your spending on AI operations.

Alerting & Notification

Numexa houses a flexible alerting system that allows you to set custom policies & thresholds. You receive notification via email, slack & PagerDuty when a policy is violated.


Our robust security measures and vigilant approach empower you to stay one step ahead of malicious actors. Understand Geographical location.

Numexa Brain

Experience the introduction of Numexa Brain, seamlessly integrated with LangChain at the backend. Utilize our observability platform to effortlessly incorporate this powerful combination, enabling you to craft advanced LLM apps with enhanced capabilities.